sexta-feira, 14 de setembro de 2007

Revisão foramen Oval -achado cirurgico

Title The Incidental Finding of a Patent Foramen Ovale During Cardiac Surgery: Should It Always Be Repaired? A Core Review.[Review]

Source Anesthesia & Analgesia. 105(3):602-610, September 2007.

Abstract With the increased use of intraoperative transesophageal echocardiography, patent foramen ovale (PFO) has become a common finding during heart surgery. This finding presents a difficult dilemma for cardiac surgeons, since the impact of intraoperatively diagnosed PFOs on postoperative outcome is unknown. Changes in the surgical plan required for closure of a PFO subject the patient to the possibility of additional risk. On the other hand, a decision to not close a PFO exposes the patient to unclear immediate and long-term consequences. Deciding whether or not to close a PFO currently depends on the clinicians' personal preferences, the probability of intraoperative and postoperative hypoxemia, and any anticipated deviation from the initial surgical plan. Most clinicians agree that an intraoperatively diagnosed PFO must be closed when surgery leads to a high risk of hypoxemia (e.g., left ventricular assist devices placement, heart transplantation); should be closed in most cases when minimal deviation from the initial surgical plan is needed for PFO closure (e.g., mitral valve or tricuspid valve surgeries); and probably, should be closed during heart surgeries performed without atriotomy and bicaval cannulation when the risk of perioperative or remote PFO-related complications is increased. The recent development of percutaneous methods of PFO closure provides a valuable backup for those cases when PFO is not closed and postoperative hypoxemia or other complications may be attributable to the uncorrected PFO.

(C) 2007 by International Anesthesia Research Society.

Revisão heparina e trombocitopenia

Title Reducing Thrombotic Complications in the Perioperative Setting: An Update on Heparin-Induced Thrombocytopenia.[Review]

Source Anesthesia & Analgesia. 105(3):570-582, September 2007.

Abstract Heparins are widely used in the perioperative setting. Immune heparin-induced thrombocytopenia (HIT) is a serious, antibody-mediated complication of heparin therapy that occurs in approximately 0.5%-5% of patients treated with heparin for at least 5 days. An extremely prothrombotic disorder, HIT confers significant risks of thrombosis and devastating consequences on affected patients: approximately 38%-76% develop thrombosis, approximately 10% with thrombosis require limb amputation, and approximately 20%-30% die within a month. HIT antibodies are transient and typically disappear within 3 mo. In patients with lingering antibodies, however, re-exposure to heparin can be catastrophic. In the perioperative setting, heightened awareness is important for the prompt recognition, diagnosis, and treatment of HIT. HIT should be considered if the platelet count decreases 50% and/or thrombosis occurs 5-14 days after starting heparin, with other diagnoses excluded. On strong clinical suspicion of HIT, heparin should be discontinued and a parenteral alternative anticoagulant initiated, even before laboratory confirmation of HIT is obtained. Subsequent laboratory test results may help with the decision to continue with nonheparin therapy or switch back to heparin. Heparin avoidance in patients with current or previous HIT is feasible in most clinical situations, except perhaps in cardiovascular surgery. If the surgery cannot be delayed until HIT antibodies have disappeared, intraoperative alternative anticoagulation is recommended.

(C) 2007 by International Anesthesia Research Society.